Appealing Autumn

Appealing Autumn

I don’t particularly like to commit to having an all time favourite time of year as they all have ups and downs in each of their personalities. However, let’s quickly, seemingly contradict that opening sentence and say that one of my firm favourites has to be the season of Autumn.

Amidst a well needed jog on my favourite off-road route the other day I contemplated why exactly, I found it so appealing. As my heavy-footed, heavy-breathed, ‘he aint heavy he’s my brother’ exterior pounded the muddy trail leaving behind the breadcrumbs of sweaty stress, my interior voice (that I have all kinds of laughs with) broke it down into several categories. Let’s delve in shall we.

Jacket potato man

The placement of the season is crucial. Straight after summer. We love the sun don’t we, we really do. The enjoyable ease of walking straight outside in a T-shirt and shorts among a million other things makes it a belter of a season, but today let’s talk about Autumn, the next act on stage. Imagine an argument between the seasons of who was going to follow summer, it’s like following Jimi Hendrix on stage, but Autumn would raise its beautiful, little, orange hand and say aye, I’ll do it.

The temperature drops, bringing a new comfortable level of dressing. You can wear shorts which are by far the most comfortable leg wear but maybe your hoodie or jumper gets dusted off too. Maybe your jacket is uncovered and rediscovered, falling onto your shoulders and asking no questions like the re-unite of a best friend that you’ve missed but not seen in person for the best part of a year. It’s this rediscovery that I really love.

To explain a little more, the feel of certain clothes gets to me quite a lot. I see people and feel discomfort a lot of the time as I imagine the restriction that would be undoubtedly at the forefront of all I could think if I were in their clothes. In my house I’m an ambassador of walking around in boxers only but it is unfortunately frowned upon to do it outside and as the Dad of 2 girls I’m very aware that it’s probably not what they want to see in or outdoors. So clothes it is, but I’m not wearing socks.

A jacket is a comfortable exception. I adore unearthing and finding new things and the rediscovery of layers are like little pats of comfort resting on your back saying, hey bud, it’s nice to see you again. The allowance of a an outer layer of crisped up jacket providing a fluffy comforted interior. The jacket potato man.


A single fly

I’m a tidy person. I can’t rest with too many things out on display, one too many crumbs on the side or one too many dishes near but not in the dishwasher.

I’ll need you to imagine for a minute being that person (you might be already) and again think of the heat of summer. I just want to make it clear at this point that my intention isn’t to bad mouth summer. I’m just bigging up and appreciating some absolutely stellar timings in the seasons.

Its hot, very hot, you’re loving life and high on vitamin D. There’s a few jobs to be done but that’s just daily stuff. I’ll put those dishes away no problem. That recycling needs to go out too. Let me just throw this in the….ah….the bin bag needs changing. Getting a bit hot here. I’ll just grab the handles and tie…Jesus this bin stinks! At this point the shirt might come off to avoid an unexpected overheated outburst of silenced aggression while I wiggle the bin bag that will probably split, from the stinky bastard metal-effect, plastic cuboid that it refuses to part with.

My family are in the garden protected from the view of me battling a bin like a mad man, shirtless and pink faced. The doors are open to let a breeze in but that’s not all they let in.

At this very moment of a well suppressed outburst of rage, a single, very loud, very large fly buzzes inside and lands on the fridge. It takes 100% of my attention and my progression of the wiggle is paused. Are you kidding me!?! One or two wafts are my natural reaction and it disappears for a second but I can still hear it.

Then………….😔 Then, I feel a tickle on my back. You already know what’s happened don’t you. Yep, It’s landed on my shiny back and it’s started to walk around like it owns the place.  Are you f***ing KIDDING ME!!!!

Now, I ask you to imagine and any bug bare similar to sandwich crumbs on the side to understand where I’m coming from. In a normal situation, you would think, let’s just wipe them up. However, sandwich crumbs on the side with a single fly buzzing around them quickly brings the situation into a dark new realm of mess. Dog food tins on the side need to be put out for recycling, sure thing. Dog food tins on the side with a single fly buzzing around them, the dark realm.

After what have no doubt been an extremely enjoyable few months, this scenario is something I’m more than ready to let go of for now.

As a summary, In Autumn the occurrence of a single fly moving in and making it seem like you live in a shithole is gone, totally gone.


Perfect marching weather

Theres a nice window of time that provides these excellent days of optimal temperature for walking or a jog. You can get a March on wearing a few layers and remove as needed. The sun can be bright in the sky giving a sense of summer but you can move comfortably and push your self without danger of severe dehydration or sun stroke. Perfect!

I can think of loads of amazing memories I’ve made with my partner and children walking on days like this. This leads me to my final (for now) realisation.



When I really think about what it is that I love so much about Autumn I think of a lot of happy memories. It’s embedded a brilliant impact in my mind and I think it’s a combination of all of the above optimal conditions that have lead to a collection of happy memories that took place at this time of year. Memories of our little family walking our dog through the woods when she first came into our lives, my eldest daughter being tiny and jumping in puddles and watching my youngest daughter do the same now. Picking pumpkins and getting everybody wrapped up a little more each time we all leave the house. Happy memories of meaningful walks with my partner when I’ve spent hours talking at her attempting to make her laugh and always been grateful for how it’s brought us together more and more over the years.

It’s a time of year that breeds happy times for me and I’m grateful for what I’ve gained in those months each year. Here’s to Autumn. Cheers!

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